Do’s and Dont’s of Intraday Trading

Do’s and Dont’s of Intraday Trading


Intraday trading, characterised by the swift buying and selling of financial instruments within a single trading day, It is a dynamic and challenging venture that demands a strategic approach. To navigate this fast-paced environment successfully, traders must adhere to a set of essential do’s and don’ts. The complexities of intraday trading require a keen understanding of market trends, risk management, and decisive decision-making. When actively participating in the stock market, it is essential to monitor and manage your trading account diligently to make informed decisions and optimise investment strategies.

Understanding Intraday Trading

The fundamental concept of intraday trading revolves around leveraging short-term fluctuations in stock prices to optimise gains. While the principles of intraday trading can be applied to both stocks and commodities, our focus here will be solely on stocks. Given the inherent volatility of markets on any given day, characterised by fluctuations in both directions, intraday trading aims to capitalise on these minor price movements. Thus, seeking marginal profits through strategic buy and sell transactions.

The operational aspect of intraday trading involves traders who typically remain indifferent, willing to engage in both buying and selling activities within the same trading day. Although there are no rigid guidelines, a common practice is to concentrate on stocks with substantial liquidity that exhibit responsive fluctuations to external stimuli. 

In intraday trading, the objective is to either purchase at lower prices and sell at higher ones or vice versa, adhering to the fundamental principle of buying low and selling high, or selling high and subsequently buying low. This foundational rule of trading persists in the realm of intraday transactions. To streamline your investment journey, consider using an online stock trading app, which can provide convenient access to real-time market data and enable seamless execution of trades from the palm of your hand.

Do’s of Intraday Trading

  • Practise simulated trading before engaging in live trading with real funds. Transition to actual trading only after achieving consistent profits in paper trading.

  • Adhering strictly to your intraday trading strategy is essential to realising significant profits in this type of trading.
  • Managing and controlling greed and fear are crucial aspects of successful intraday trading. Adhere to established dos and don’ts in intraday trading to navigate these emotions.
  • Distance yourself from the influences of greed and fear to enhance your decision-making in intraday trading.
  • Allocate your intraday capital into a minimum of four sections to effectively manage and mitigate risks.
  • Conduct thorough research and analysis based on your own study before engaging in intraday trading.
  • Leverage technical indicators as valuable tools in intraday trading, following recommended dos and don’ts for effective implementation.
  • Opt for a software-based trading platform for intraday trading due to its speed and user-friendly operation. Adhere to established guidelines for intraday trading.
  • Limit your intraday trading exposure to 1/4th of your total account balance (e.g., if you have Rs. 100,000, only use Rs. 25,000 for intraday trading).
  • Prioritise a low minimum intraday brokerage to optimise returns for intraday traders.
  • Focus on trading in highly liquid stocks with substantial volume to facilitate swift entry and exit, aligning with recommended dos and don’ts in intraday trading.
  • Implement stop-loss orders as a mandatory risk management measure in intraday trading.

Don’ts of Intraday Trading

  • Disregard news and rumours in intraday trading, as they should not be considered as reliable indicators.
  • Avoid excessive trading; instead, adhere to your strategy to maintain a disciplined approach.
  • Refrain from trading if you lack clarity or a clear understanding of market conditions.
  • Realise that not every trade will result in a profit, and avoid expecting positive outcomes from each transaction.
  • Steer clear of trading with additional margin beyond what is necessary.
  • Intraday trading should not involve dealing with futures or options.
  • Beware of the impact of rumours, which can have detrimental effects in the short or long term; avoid following them.
  • Guard against three four-letter words that can be detrimental: hope, wish, fear.
  • Keep ego out of trading decisions; trade based on analysis and strategy rather than personal pride.
  • Resist forming emotional attachments to stocks; instead, maintain a more detached and pragmatic approach.
  • Never engage in trading without implementing a stop-loss strategy for risk management.


When learning how to do intraday trading, it is essential to develop a systematic approach, keen market awareness, and effective risk management strategies to navigate the dynamic fluctuations and enhance your trading account. Mastering the do’s and don’ts of intraday trading is pivotal for success in navigating the volatile world of stock markets. Successful intraday trading demands a holistic understanding of market dynamics, coupled with a resilient mindset to adapt to changing conditions. 

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